I am a Visioner; I am a Steward of Black Love and Care. I am the MadQuestionAsking Chief Exploration officer of The Discovery Initiative, and I welcome you.
I am a fervent follower of the “trying a ting” method, and I delight in relationship-building processes and ideating.
Life-making is my creative practice. I am guided by the questions “What wants to emerge when I center joy, pleasure, rest, and ease while living alongside deep grief?” and “What is possible when the only thing that is impossible is impossibility itself?”
I am someone who moves through life guided by creativity and playfulness, living life according to my principles and shifting timelines. An Austrian collaborator once generously shared that a Lebenskünstler, which directly translated means life artist, is a German word to describe such a person. A Lebenskünstler, I’m told, will rise creatively out of circumstances that would have shattered others. They transform dire spaces into thriving magical gardens, and then they live in them. What makes a Lebenskünstler is their skill to dance with life.
I am a dancer with life, an allower of life, a practitioner of freedom, an aligner, and a refiner. I am an experience of an uncapturableness, and an uncontainableness.
My name is Kay and I am audacious in my practice of living with intentionality, integrity, and curiosity.
My process.
The vastness of human complexity and the systems born of these complexities can make it feel disorienting to know where or how to begin with the task of dreaming up new worlds and new ways of being. In outer space, as much as our innermost spaces, blackness is the space that holds everything together. Visioning new worlds and new ways of being begins with being in intentional relationships so that we may step into our response-ability to ourselves and one another to shine brightly in our complexities and honour the constellations that rearrange and hold it all together.
When invited, as the Discovery Initiative, I advise individuals ready to align their personal circumstance with their most audacious vision for their lives. I also guide individuals who are prepared to wield their institutional power to create the shifts needed to animate the elements of the world they are dreaming up for their organisations.
As The Discovery Initiative, I prompt you to assess, reflect, align and refine the details of your vision through piercing questions and incisive observations.
My hope is that our work fortifies the foundation needed to sustain the most aligned expression of your boldest vision.
As The Discovery Initiative, I ground in The Black Love and Care Ethic™, my affirming structure of guiding principles for liberation. The Black Love and Care Ethic ™is an invitation to step into our integrity and brilliance and then to rest there audaciously.